Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Smart Shopping

We all want to be smart shoppers.  From watching the sale ads to clipping coupons, there are plenty of ways for us to get the items we need and save a few bucks in the process.  I definitely watch for sales, and I've done a little coupon clipping.  But, I always end up feeling like I put in more effort than what I save.  PLUS, I always end up leaving the store with more than I went in for.  Since joining Melaleuca, I have become a better shopper without even trying!  And, I would like to share the 2 biggest reasons:

1. Obviously, I am going to Walmart and Target less than before (for Walmart, it has been non-existent so far, minus one time that Michael went in a rush for *GASP!* produce.  He has since learned to not make that mistake again!).  This has saved me from impulse shopping.
2. I am adding items to my Melaleuca basket as I go, the month before my order.

Let me explain...  I make my orders based on what I need.  As I go through each month, I start adding items to my basket that I anticipate I will be needing soon.  I also add items that I would like to start trying or switch to from what I currently use.  For example, I noticed today that I will be needing antiperspirant next month, so I logged in and added it to my basket.  In about 2 months, I will need to decide if I want to try Melaleuca's Sei Bella line of skincare, or stick with what I have been using for over a year now.  I added it to my basket knowing that I might not need it next month, but to keep it in the forefront of my mind.  When it comes time to place my order next month, I will add anything else I need at that time and review.  I may decide that I don't need items that I thought I did, or I may not have run out of whatever I thought.  Either way, I can use that opportunity to really evaluate what my household needs and adjust my order accordingly.  When I shop at Walmart or Target, if the item makes it into the basket, there is a 99% chance it won't get removed prior to checkout.  Since I am usually trying to get in and out as quickly as possible, I never really took the time to evaluate what I was buying - was the the best quality, biggest bang for my buck, did I REALLY need it?

By shopping this way, I have not only saved money, but I have freed up some to purchase better perishable items for my family.  I have been making Ethan's food, and it is very important to me to buy local & organic whenever possible.  This has allowed me to be able to afford to do that, and put the best possible food on the table for my family.

I am currently working on my next money saving post from my April order, so stay tuned!

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