Monday, May 21, 2012

Mommy is Making Money, again!

So, I received my 2nd check with Melaleuca.  It was not as nice as the first one, but that is because I didn't do much in April.  My 9-5 job has kept me stressed out and very busy.  I signed up my Mom, and that was it.  So, my check was $32.12.  But, that is $32.12 that I didn't have before!

I am also taking a new approach with my Melaleuca business.  In first couple of months, I got to know the company.  I tried out a variety of products (as I plan to continue), and have slowly been converting my home as I run out of the traditional products I have been using.  I have introduced some of my friends and family to Melaleuca, and some have taken the plunge with me.  Now that Melaleuca is no secret, I have decided to hit the business road.  I would love for anyone who is interested to join me.  If you think you even MIGHT be interested in changing your home for the better, let me know.  There is zero risk and I will be with you throughout the journey.  My original goal was to make my home a healthier environment for my family, and maybe make a few bucks on the side.  Now, I want to grow a business.  It's going to take a lot of work, but I have an amazing team.  Every "sign" in my life is pointing in this direction.

My job is stressful.  I put in long hours, without much reward.  Sound familiar?  I am so very grateful for my job, don't get me wrong.  It pays the bills and allows my family to live comfortably.  However, now that we have Ethan, I have started thinking more about my long-term goals.  Do I want to work in HR for the rest of my life?  Do I want to go back to school?  Do I want to take some time off to stay home with my family, or go part-time?  So many questions...  My life is so consumed by work and trying to squeeze in a healthy home life that I haven't had time to stop and even think about the answers.  And, then I realized that that is the answer.  My life is passing by at such a rapid speed that I can't keep up.  Ethan's infancy has disappeared, and I can't get it back.  He will be a toddler soon, and then we'll be on to planning our next child in a year.  My quality of life has to change.  That is what I am looking to do with Melaleuca.  I want to have options, and still provide for my family.  If this is something you might be interested in, I encourage you to join me.  As I said before, I am part of an amazing team and I am excited to see where this open door takes me.

To be continued... :)

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